The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to let you all in on a little secret – every single day should be celebrated as a form of Valentine’s Day.  I must say, since, Valentine’s Day is an expression of Love and can have a price tag on it, I also do not look at this in a “material” sense.  Not everything has to cost money!

I believe Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to show gratitude, love, respect, and appreciation to those who are special in our lives, so why not continue doing this every day of the year?  Does it cost money?  NO!!!  So go for it!  Show your love every day; to those you know and to people who could really use an Act of Kindness.  Acts of Kindness are the greatest form of Love.

Love is not just labelled as “romance”, Love is any form of kindness, compassion, and respect just to name a few.

On this Valentine’s Day, why not find someone who you think could truly use an Act of Kindness, whether it is a friend going through a bad time, or a homeless person in your local community who has a child at their side.  Do something kind, show them the true love in your heart and you will see just how your love can bring such Peace and Happiness to their faces.  To me that is a true gift and expression of Love!

Have a year filled with Valentine’s and you will be encouraging others to do the same!

Share the Love, share the happiness, and share comfort to those in need.

Be someone’s “true” Valentine in Good Vibes Only!


The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – Learning As We Go!

I woke up this morning and thought to myself, “it is so true how we are all just learning as we go!”

I look back at my past and remember all the times when I was degraded for mistakes I made, even though they were not drastic.  I may have made the wrong decision with regards to a job, a relationship, or a purchase; in my eyes my mistakes were not punishable.

In some minds, they figured my mistakes warranted the end of communication.  I could never understand why.

It truly is sad, as we are only learning as we go.  No matter what age we are, every day requires us to use our best judgment, our best reactions, and our best thoughts.  We can only live each day based on what we know with our experiences.  No judgment is necessary.

All we can hope for, is that we make the right decisions as we go along.  If we find, we do make mistakes, then at least we are learning from them, which will only help in the future.

After being on the receiving end of judgment, I decided it was time for change.  Hence, “The Good Vibes Only Roadshow!”  Enough judgment, as there isn’t one person on the planet that isn’t learning as they go.  We all have to learn to have patience knowing that everyone will learn in their own time, they will learn with experiences, and they will come out of it with wisdom.

I am grateful to be able to witness many people, “learning as they go”, I’m extremely proud of them!  To be honest, it makes me so happy to witness such a great gift.

With Good Vibes Only I Wish You All Many Experiences To Learn As You Go!


The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – Passion List

I decided a long time ago, I was not going to make a New Year’s Resolution list; instead I decided to keep a “Passion” List.

I found when I made “resolutions”, I was easily sidetracked and I would, for example, somehow fall off the “diet” wagon, or I would simply, not take anything on this list seriously.  That’s when I came up with something that would stick – My Passion List.

When we are passionate about something, it stays with our mind, body and soul.  Passion comes from the heart and the odds of getting bored with something you are passionate about are low compared to the odds of getting bored with a resolution list that creates pressure.

My Passion List is quite lengthy, but guess what?  I haven’t steered away from it at all!  Everything on my passion list are things with meaning, things which are very important to my heart, and things I have a strong interest and drive in.

I’m a fan of writing, eating healthy, sharing gratitude every day, and making sure I listen to music every day.  I’m also open to learning; whether it is to do with diet, culture, entertainment, lifestyle, sports, and much, much, more.   I will never turn away from learning.  How do you know what you may like if you say, “no” to an opportunity to have an experience in life?  I promised myself I would always, at the very least, read up on something new.  I did not want to miss any opportunities.

I found by continuing with my Passion List, I have not placed any pressure on myself; instead I have become happier with not only who I am on the inside, but who I am on the outside as well.  Those diets that I mentioned, now do not put pressure on me and guess what?  I no longer yo-yo diet, my weight actually stays where it is supposed to be.  I no longer stress about my weight!  Yahoo!  I owe it all to my Passion List!

I will never stop adding to my Passion List!  After all, I would never stop something that brings me so much happiness and joy.

With Good Vibes I Wish You All Happiness In Creating Your Own Passion List!

The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – A True Friend

A True Friend is someone we have all wanted and needed in our lives; A True Friend is someone who will be there for you, not only in times of struggle, but in times of great happiness.

A True Friend is there for you unconditionally.

In my lifetime, I’ve met a lot of people; ones I thought would be in my life forever, and others I thought would dwindle away.  The funny thing is, is the ones I thought would dwindle away, have turned out to be the ones that have been in my life forever.  The ones I thought would be there forever have dwindled away.  Funny how that works!

The beauty of it, is although the ones who have dwindled away, are still there in my mind as a friend.  You see, no matter what type of friends we have, they will be there in our memory, so they really don’t ever leave.  This is a comforting feeling actually, as at times we could find ourselves missing someone who has left, but it is our memories of them that bring comfort, especially if you find yourself missing them.

In my life, I’ve had people decide to not remain in contact with me; life gets busy, or they just decided they wanted their circle of friends to be ones who they shared everything in common with.  Whatever the reason, I’ve appreciated their friendship no matter the length of time we had together.

A True Friend will always be there for you, it may not be in the physical form, but in our memories, our life lessons, in pictures, or in cards/written notes.  I am forever grateful for every friend that has come into my life, without them I wouldn’t be who I am today.  I’ve cherished every moment, good and bad, and I’ve come out of it a better person.



The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – Spirit

For some reason, every time I either turn on the television, listen to the radio, or read an article, the word “spirit” pops up.

For example, the other night we were watching one of the many talent shows on television, and the judge told the singer, “Your spirit, is what makes me love you!”  When we show our “spirit” in what we love in life – we shine!

It doesn’t matter what we look like on the outside or how we sound, as long as we show “spirit” in our passions in life, you will be the most beautiful person and you will feel it in your mind, body, and soul!

When we tap into our spirit, not only will we be doing what we are “meant” to be doing, but we will bring on such happiness and joy – nothing will stop you succeed.  Succeeding in life, to most, means financially.  However, this post is about succeeding in your heart; you cannot put a dollar figure on that feeling as it is priceless.

Tap into your spirit and what brings you happiness, and go for it with Good Vibes Only!


The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – The Happiness Jar

The Happiness Jar is the greatest project I can think of to teach our children, grandchildren, co-workers, friends, and family!

What a great and creative way to start the day!  You don’t need to start this jar on January 1st, you can make any day the start of a new beginning for the Happiness Jar!  Wake Up and show gratitude towards yourself and write a happy note for your future self to read!

What a great concept!  We tend to forget the smallest thing that can bring us happiness, but when we look back after a year of saving up these notes to ourselves, and read what we did not take for granted is such a gift!

I feel schools should be teaching the children and especially teenagers, just how such a simple project can change your entire way of thinking.  Imagine a World with not one bit of bullying?  Time for change!  The Time is Now!  I can’t think of a better project to incorporate into our school programs that could help save lives by teaching the kids to enjoy a positive mindset!

I believe our children, no matter what age they are, deserve the chance to learn just how easy it is to have happy thoughts and to possibly change a cycle that their own families didn’t have the tools to change.

I believe in possibilities, I believe in looking outside the box, and I believe in our youth.  They need the support to make positive changes in this World and it all starts with a little jar, a piece of paper and a pen/pencil.

Good Vibes!!


The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – The Next 50 Years

In 2018, I turned 50 years old!  YIKES!!

Seriously, it was extremely liberating in such a positive way!  I did not take anything for granted; I made it to 50!  In reflecting on the big 50, I decided that the next 50 years would be truly amazing and those years will be filled with nothing but gratitude, joy, love, peace, compassion, and sharing it with everyone I know and will meet in the future.

I call it, “An Awakening To The Next Half Of My Life!”  During this awakening, I came out of it with a drive so strong, I can’t imagine anything or anyone stopping it!  I should say, “good luck trying to stop it!”  LOL!!

Our plans for the future have stemmed from this awakening; from daily inspiration, to the ultimate goal of going on the 2024 North American Tour where we will be traveling North America sharing stories and listening to stories from people who need to be heard.

We will be creating the 2nd book in The Good Vibes Only Roadshow series, sharing stories from the people we meet.  We are so very excited and we look forward to sharing our stories with you.

Thank you so much for following this adventure – Good Vibes!!cropped-images-3.jpg


The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – Updates!!

We would like to take a moment to thank you all for following The Good Vibes Only Roadshow!  It means the World to Us!

Our site will be all updated by this weekend, January 19 – 20th, 2019; you will be able to catch up on what has been going on, catch up on our plans, and get involved in our Vision for the future.

We are so very excited to be able to bring The Good Vibes Only Roadshow to you!

Feel free to comment and share our posts; we appreciate all the support in our journey!

Good Vibes to You ALL!!


The Good Vibes Only Roadshow – Following a Dream


Life is a Dream!  My family and I are currently planning for a very important dream of ours – taking The Good Vibes Only Roadshow on a Tour in 2024.  I know it seems like 2024 is still far away, but to be honest, we are going to enjoy every single day in this planning stage to bring to you a unique, eclectic, fun, peaceful, loving, tour filled with nothing but Good Vibes.

We are going to be putting together a list of locations which we would love to visit; we would be interested in hearing from you!  Please feel free to comment with the location you would like to see us visit.

This will be a very unique tour; we are planning absolutely everything.  We would like to make stops at bookstores, vintage markets, and different venues.  We are open to receiving any suggestions you may have.

It’s all about sharing Good Vibes and having fun!